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34500 Gateway Drive
Suite 110
Palm Desert, California
(760) 328-8737
Thursday - Saturday
9:00am - 4:30 pm

December 1st, 2020


This week is our Winter Wonderland Christmas Party on Friday, December 4th and Saturday, December 5th from 11 am – 4pm.  The party will be different from years past due to our worst friend Covid.  I cannot bake cookies or have a hot cocoa bar…so what can I do to make sure this party is a party?  Well, call me Covid Crazy cause not only will the Christmas Print Fabrics be on a closeout sale, but I am also putting the whole store at a 20% off discount during the Party.   (excluding remnants and sample sale items).  No loyalty cards will be punched or redeemed during this event, however, for every $25 dollars spent (before tax) you will receive 5 raffle tickets!

We cannot offer refreshments this year, so we have a little gift bag (while supplies last) for those who attend and bring back our invitation.  (one per customer only)

We will have 6 raffle gift kits this year and there are many ways to acquire raffle tickets. 

              *Brink back your invitation for a ticket

              *Bring us a Christmas Card with a heartfelt message for a couple of                  tickets

              *Wear an Ugly Holiday Sweater for several tickets

              *Show and Share your favorite Holiday Quilt for lots of tickets


Just a little reminder to all of you out there that we are an official drop off location for pillowcases for Ryan’s Case for Smiles.  All pillowcases go to hospitals in the Inland Empire and the need is great.  Why not use some of this Covid time to sew up a bright and colorful pillowcase to bring a smile to a sick child.  Check out their website for more information

And some news to look forward to, cause we all need that right?  We have dates set for the Spring Fling Shop Hop and we are having a Bodacious Beach Party.  Mark your calendars, March 4th, 5th and 6th 2021.  Check out the website  For detailed information.  Cowabunga!

Fa La La La La.... 


Christmas Party



Modern Landscapes


Christmas Party