Suite 110
Palm Desert, California
(760) 328-8737
9:00am - 3:00 pm
May 31st, 2021
Happy Memorial Day With this memorial weekend, the official kick off to summer means the days are short until the Southern California Quilt Run. There is lots to do to get ready for this event. The theme is Sew What’s in Your Garden? Our store was assigned the Tropical Garden with the color fuchsia. We decided to embrace the playful side of fuchsia … did you guess what has taken residence in our garden? Well, here is another clue … it is Flamazing! Yep, we went there, and our playful block is a Flabulous Flamingo. So come and Flamingle with us on July 15th – 18th and July 22nd – 25th. We are planning a Flamazing event. Pretty in Pink. Show us your best pink attire during the event for a chance to win a tropical gift basket. I mean really can you wear too much Pink? I expect to see some of those pink feathered boa’s ladies and gentlemen. Flamingo Obsession. Show us your best Flamingo you have, for a chance to win a $75.00 store gift certificate. You can wear a Flamingo; you can show us a Flamingo, you can come decked out head to toes with Flamingos…. Or bring your Flamingo on a leash! We have posted our block on our website under news, and you can follow us on Instagram or Facebook to see the latest additions to the store. You can just click on the tab on our front page to find us. Our latest shipment of fabric to hit the shelves is Boscage by Art Gallery Fabrics. Rich tropical forest colors with deep navy blues with prints of wildlife and jungle vegetation. Inspired by the exotic island of Borneo. We anticipate Dance in Paris to arrive any day now. Looking forward to those cool aquas and chartreuse with deep navy and soft pal pink – enhanced with little splashes of gold. An intriguing color collection and we just cannot wait for it to arrive. We will send out a blast the second it is on the floor. We are calling for more pillowcases for Ryan’s Cases for smiles. It is a praiseworthy organization who has worked tirelessly to supply happy pillowcases to all sick children in the Inland Empire. The need is sizeable and ongoing. If you are looking for a feel-good quick project, please consider a pillowcase for a sick child. We are an official drop off location so pass the word on. We are making a slight change in our on-line bolt special announcements. Instead of sending out a brief email announcing the on-line sale bolt, we will be posting the sale bolt under “news” on our main page on our website. It seems that many of you were not receiving the emails (and really don’t we all get too many emails), this way you can check out the special at your discretion, just check back often as new bolts listed as fast as they sell out.