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34500 Gateway Drive
Suite 110
Palm Desert, California
(760) 328-8737
Thursday - Saturday
9:00am - 4:30 pm

July 6th, 2022



We have a WINNER!  Ms. Renee R.  gave us the winning guess …CHERRY CHEESECAKE!  Congratulations Renee and thank you for playing along with our “Guess the Cake Challenge”. 

This year’s Southern California Quilt Run theme is “Let’s Eat Cake”.  This event is held for two weeks on Thursday – Sunday, July 14th – 17th and July 21st – July 24th.  Can you guess what Cake we are baking up at The Quilter’s Faire?  Yes, we’re having a guess the cake contest.  We’ll be giving out clues both in our newsletters and on Instagram and one lucky winner will take home a $50.00 store gift certificate just for guessing the exact cake we will be baking up for the event.  A little disclaimer, it’s not really a cake, it’s a quilt that we are calling a cake, but you still need to guess the exact name of the cake (really a quilt).  You will need to write down your guess and bring it to the store no later than Saturday, June 25th to be in the game. 

Clue no. 1:   

Our cake is good any month of the year. 

  Did you know that there are Cheesecake Calendars?  Over the years and generations they have meant many things, today they mean yummy varieties of Cheesecake. 

Clue no. 2:

Our cake is tolerant are you in?

  Lactose intolerant would point you towards certain ingredients, milk & cheese….

Clue no. 3:

Some might call us tacky... (we’ve heard worse)

 Another word for tacky is cheesy…

Clue no. 4:


 Smile, say Cheese…

Clue no. 5:

“I cannot tell a lie”, …Our cake is delicious!

“Father, I Can Not Tell a lie:  I cut the Tree….

Clue no. 6:

Sweet or Sour?  You pick.

Cherries can be both sweet and sour…

Clue no. 7:

The Southern California Quilt Run is just a stone’s through away.

Cherries are a stone fruit….

Our Cherry Cheesecake is a table topper made with red and white fabrics with yummy cherry appliques.  We also have made a Lemon Cheesecake and a Key Lime Cheesecake table topper.  During the Southern California Quilt Run you will receive (4) 10” squares, (2) red and (2) white with directions to make our block from our store.  Each store participating will have a different block pattern and will also be giving out 10” squares featuring fabric from Riley Blake Designs.  We will have a limited number of Cherry Cheesecake, Lemon Cheesecake and Key Lime Cheesecake kits available.  These kits will be available for purchase during the Southern California Quilt Run which starts next week, Thursday, July 14th, 15th, 16th, and Sunday July 17th.   Store decorating has begun, and you might be able to get a sneak peak of the toppers from a distance.  Pictures will be posted to Instagram and our website as we get them placed at the store.   

We are enjoying our last day of summer vacation and look forward to opening the store again tomorrow Thursday, July 7th.

During the month of June and July if you bring us a completed pillowcase for Ryan’s Cases for Smiles, you will be entered into a drawing to win the “Did Someone Say Cake? book by Moda Back Shop as a thank you and hopefully as an enticement to make lots of pillowcases for sick children in hospitals located in the Inland Empire.  They are needing pillowcases for all ages, but especially for the ages 12 – 18.  If you can’t sew a pillowcase but would like to help you can just purchase and donate the individual packaged fabric pillowcase kits that we have at the store.  We have priced them at our cost and will include a donation card with your name.  All donations and pillowcases go to The Inland Empire Chapter   and the need is great, approximately 400 cases a month is what they need.  

The Reindeer Dash 16 dates have been set so mark your calendar October 6th, 7th, and 9th 2022.  This year we are featuring an adorable collection, “Cup of Cheer” by Kimberbell for Maywood Fabrics.  Check out the official website for the dash by going to our website and clicking on the tab at the top. 

See you at the store.




Cup of Cheer
(Maywood Studio)


Southern California
Quilt Run


(Riley Blake Designs)